Category ExpressionEngine

ExpressionEngine Secure Mode forms

While working on a couple of recent ExpressionEngine projects, we needed to process forms directly using PHP in the EE templates. We were seeing a mysterious error after submitting the form, “This form has expired. Please refresh and try again.”…

Upgrading ExpressionEngine to 2.7.3

I just recently upgraded ExpressionEngine (EE) from version 2.5.5 to 2.7.3. It took multiple attempts to get it right. There were a string of PHP errors after upgrading, some due to an incompatible third party plugin. The major issues had to do with the newly reconstructed relationships. EE relationships changed with version 2.6, and the new format is incompatible with the old format. If you used relationships in your templates in the past (I did), your template code needs to be updated when you upgrade. Conveniently, the upgrade routine alters existing templates to use the new relationship format. Even so, I still had a number of PHP errors after upgrading.

Number Formatter ExpressionEngine plugin

Earlier this week, I published a plugin for ExpressionEngine that sends a value through the PHP number_format() function, and returns a formatted number. I needed to format a number for a project I’m working on, and it seemed like a good opportunity to learn how to develop a plugin.

EE Conditionals in JavaScript

I’ve run into this problem more than once, and I’m adding this to the list of ExpressionEngine tips. By writing it down, hopefully I’ll remember it on future projects. EE conditionals do not work in JavaScript by default.